I'm using the Moovweb SDK and I'd like to transform a table and all it's elements into divs to facilitate mobile web dev/styling. What is the best way to do this?
There's a function I've seen used for this purpose in many projects called table_dump
. I can't take credit for inventing it, but here it is in its entirety:
@func XMLNode.table_dump(Text %xpath){
$(%xpath) {
$(".//table | .//tr | .//td | .//th | .//thead | .//tfoot | .//tbody | .//col | .//colgroup | .//caption") {
%i = index()
%n = name()
attributes(data-mw-id: concat("mw_dump_", %n, %i), width: "")
add_class(concat("mw_was_", %n))
It really does three things:
with its previous elementdata-mw-id
.With all three of these you can get rid of a table while preserving the diversity of its elements. This way it remains easily selectable in XPath and CSS, even after you've transformed it.