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OleDbDataAdapter Sporadic Missing Records

In my application I'm getting some data out of a local MS Access database file. I'm puzzled by a sporadic issue where my query for all records of a specific table sometimes returns all the records, and sometimes returns all but the last record. I'm using the following code

string resourceConStr = @"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data source = C:/FileName.mdb";
OleDbConnection resourceCon = new OleDbConnection(resourceConStr);
OleDbDataAdapter personnelAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("Select * From Personnel", resourceCon);
DataTable personnel = new DataTable();

When I look at the personnel DataTable, sometimes I have the correct # of records and sometimes I'm missing the last record from the Access table. I haven't been able to find any pattern as to when it works successfully and when it does not. Any idea what could be the reason for this or suggestions or a way to validate that all records were copied into the DataTable sucessfully? Thanks


  • Any ... suggestions or a way to validate that all records were copied into the DataTable sucessfully?

    One way to do it would be to execute a SELECT COUNT(*) AS n FROM Personnel, and compare that number (assuming that you get one back) with the number of rows in the DataTable after it gets filled.