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Storing git commit metadata in TFS when using git-tfs


We're a team of developers collaborating using github. We need to mirror our release branch on TFS such that we have a tfs changeset for every git commit. It seems the best way to do this is using git-tfs rcheckin.

In a comment to the answer to my previous git-tfs question, Matt Burke told me that

All changesets will be attributed to you... git-tfs connects to TFS with your 
credentials, and there's not an "attribute this to someone else" parameter on 
checkin (at least, not that I know of).

Correct commit -> changeset attribution

What ways do I have to identify the original commiter of such a tfs changeset attributed to me, if one is using only our tfs mirror?

Is there a way to store metadata in TFS, or is there a way to script git-tfs so that it adds this information to the commit message?


  • There is a fix now in the trunk ( ) that has been released in the stable version.

    You will have to configure and use an author file that match the windows users login to there email address. This file is used to commit in the name of the original commiter.

    But there is a right that must be given in tfs permissions to be able to check-in on behalf of someone else.