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rich:calendar update backing bean after component edit

I have a rich:calendar component in a datatable:

 <rich:column id="last_#{row.index}" >
   <rich:calendar id="lcal_#{row.index}"
     <a4j:support event="onchanged"
       ajaxSingle="true" reRender="last_#{row.index}" /> 

When a user changes the date I need to set a field to true (I need to know what row was changed for db update later, I want to update a bunch of rows at once):

 * when someone changes the last taught field, set has been edited to true
public void resetHasBeenEdited(){
    this.hasBeenEdited = true;

When I change the date the setBooleanDateHasBeenChanged method is called and the _obj.list is updated in the backing bean, but when I examine _obj after the rerender, the hasBeenEdited field does not reflect the change.

I tried using a valueChangeListener (changed method signature to match):

 <rich:column id="last_#{row.index}" >
   <rich:calendar id="lcal_#{row.index}"
     <a4j:support event="onchanged"
       ajaxSingle="true" reRender="last_#{row.index}" /> 

But then setBooleanDateHasBeenChanged doesn't even run. How do I get an action to update the backing bean AND reflect that change in the rerendered JSF model? I'm using JSF1.2, RF3.3 and Seam2.2.


  • I tried a bunch of different configurations, but what finally worked was getting rid of ajaxSingle and reRender:

     <rich:column id="last_#{status.index}"     
          <rich:calendar value="#{_obj.list[row.index].lastTaught}" >
          <a4j:support event="onchange"

    The reRender action would just reset the displayed value to its previous setting and ajaxSingle wouldn't update the model.