how to create a list in resources.xaml ( I will use it as itemsource for my listbox) and how can I access it in ViewModel? Thanks
This might help : Silverlight: Declaring a collection of data in XAML?
You can then access it by using the Resources property of the control you declare the collection in.
EDIT For example:
You need to declare a new collection type as you can't declare a generic type in XAML:
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace YourNamepace
public class Genders : List<string>
Then you declare a list in XAML, after adding the necessary namespaces:
<local:Genders x:Key="AvailableGenders">
You can of course declare it with more complex data structures inside. Then, use that as your ListBox's ItemsSource:
<ListBox ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource AvailableGenders}}"/>
That works, I've tested it just now :-)