I have been trying to fix this problem for a few weeks now but nothing I have done has fixed it. This seems to be a problem with the Intellisense information not being updated in a .cpp file.
The problem is that class reference passes for specific classes in a header file are not being recognized but Intellisense only in the cpp file. In the Header file the references are read perfectly.
Here is the header file, excuse some of the mess as I am in the middle of reorganizing, merging functions, and reworking the class:
#ifndef DAMAGE_H
#define DAMAGE_H
#include <string>
#include "entity.h"
#include "hardPoint.h"
#include <vector>
using std::string;
using std::vector;
class Damage
float findDType(string dType, float damage);
void dmgProcessing(bAttacker& bAttacker, bTarget& bTarget);
float dTPiercing1(float damage);
float dTPiercing2(float damage);
float dTPiercing3(float damage);
float dTNapalm1(float damage);
float dTNapalm2(float damage);
float dTNapalm3(float damage);
float dTDesructor(float damage);
float dTNanite1(float damage);
float dTNanite2(float damage);
float dTNanite3(float damage);
float dTDDay1(float damage);
float dTDDay2(float damage);
float dTStealth(float damage);
float dTFOnly(float damage);
float dTEMP1(float damage, Player& mPlayer, Hostile args[], string target);
float dTEMP2(float damage, Player& mPlayer, Hostile args[], string target);
float dTEMP3(float damage, Player& mPlayer, Hostile args[], string target);
float dTVirus1();
float dTVirus2();
float dTVirus3();
float dTVirus4();
float dTMAccel(float damage);
void bPAttack(bool allout, bool spread, bool wsystem, bool single);
void setupWQueue(bAttacker& bAttacker, string atype);
void cleanWQueue();
float processWQueue(bAttacker& bAttacker, bTarget& bTarget);
float processSDamage(bTarget& bTarget, string wdtype);
float processSecDamage(bTarget& bTarget);
void setupBAT(Entity* entity1, Entity* entity2);
bool getSDNTurns();
bool getSDNANTurns();
vector<hardPoint> weaponQueue;
float vDamage; //Vanilla Damage
float mDamage; //Modified Damage
float fDamage; //Final Damage
float sDamage; //Secondary Damage
float tSDamage; //total secodary damage
int i;
int sDNTurns, sDNANTurns; //Number of turns to apply secondary damage for (N = Napalm, NAN = Nanite)
int dLow, dHigh;
string wdtype; //store weapon name
int nSDamage, nADamage, nHDamage; //Health interface variables for nanite secondary damage
/*Damage Types:
piercing1: Armor Piercing, does not affect hull
piercing2: Hull Piercing, does not affect armor
piercing3: Armor and Hull piercing
napalm1: low level napalm damage, lasts two turns
napalm2: medium level napalm damage, lasts four turns
napalm3: high level napalm damage, lasts six turns
destructor: higher damage to defenses
nanite1: low level nanite damage, does 5% of HP damage for two turns
nanite2: medium level nanite damage, does 8% of HP damage for four turns
nanite3: high level nanite damage, does 15% of HP damage for eight turns
doomsday1: large scale damage, kills off 25% of population instantly along with 15% of all infrastructure and 10% of biomass
doomsday2: larger scale damage, kills off 40% of population instantly along with 25% of all infrastructure and 18% of biomass
stealth: invisible to point defenses, point defenses will still have a 2% chance to destroy a missile volley per point defense up to 10%.
frigonly: only damages frigate class ships, no damage to higher classes
null: no special damage
emp1: low level shield damage, if shields down will cripple non-emp protected target for one turn
emp2: medium level shield damage, if shields down will cripple non-emp protected target for three turns
emp3: high level shield damage, if shields down will cripple non-emp protected target for seven turns
virus1: scrambles targeting systems of enemy ship, target will not attack for two turns and loses shields
virus2: scrambles targeting systems and crashes computer, target will not attack for five turns and loses shields
virus3: scrambles targeting systems, crashes computer, and disables life support and loses shields (RTS/RPG). Crews of ships lower then crusier class can be killed in two turns and ship can be salvaged whole (twice the resources; RTS only)
virus4: crashes all systems and injects core breach code into engines and loses shields. 35% chance that the ship will self destruct over 4 turns, after which systems reboot and core breach stopped. 10% chance per 20 tech crewmen or 5 tech module on board to avert code breach. (RTS only)
massaccel: Mass Accelerator damage bypasses shield and armor and deals direct hull damage.
class bTarget
void getShip(Entity* entity);
Ship returnShip(Entity* entity);
Ship* Ship;
class bAttacker
void getShip(Entity* entity);
Ship returnShip(Entity* entity);
Ship* Ship;
All of the reference passes pertaining to bTarget and bAttacker are find in this header file but once I place the function definitions into the .cpp file Intellisense bombs out by claiming that the definitions do not match the header declaration of void setupWQueue(error-type &bAttacker, string atype) just as an example.
However direct access to the bAttacker and bTarget classes, for the definition of the getShip function for example, are just fine.
For the sake of being thorough in case something in it is causing this here is the cpp file as well; this will be much messier than the header for the same reason (sorry!):
#include <string>
#include "damage.h"
#include "planet.h"
#include "random.h"
#include "datasystem.h"
using namespace std;
#define EMP1DT 1
#define EMP2DT 3
#define EMP3DT 7
#define NP1P 0.15
#define NAN1P 0.05
#define NP2P 0.28
#define NAN2P 0.08
#define NP3P 0.46
#define NAN3P 0.15
#define NP1T 2
#define NAN1T 2
#define NP2T 4
#define NAN2T 4
#define NP3T 6
#define NAN3T 8
dataSystem ds;
int test = NAN1T;
void Damage::dmgProcessing(bAttacker& bAttacker, bTarget& bTarget)
setupWQueue(bAttacker, atype);
float Damage::dTEMP1(float damage, Player& mPlayer, Hostile args[], string target)
if (target == mPlayer.getName()) //Consider creating main class or matrix for all fighting entities/teams to make this easier
if ((!mPlayer.Ship.isDisabled()) && (mPlayer.Ship.getSShield() == 0)) //If ship is not disabled already and shilds are 0
else if ((mPlayer.Ship.getShieldStatus()) && (mPlayer.Ship.getSShield() != 0)) //If shields are enabled and are greater then 0
mDamage = damage / Random(8,10);
return mDamage;
for (i = 0; i <= sizeof(args)-1; i++)
if (target == args[i].getName())
if ((!args[i].Ship.isDisabled()) && (args[i].Ship.getSShield() == 0)) //If ship is not disabled already and shilds are 0
else if ((args[i].Ship.getShieldStatus()) && (args[i].Ship.getSShield() != 0)) //If shields are enabled and are greater then 0
mDamage = damage / Random(8,10);
return mDamage;
float Damage::dTEMP2(float damage, Player& mPlayer, Hostile args[], string target)
if (target == mPlayer.getName()) //Consider creating main class or matrix for all fighting entities/teams to make this easier
if ((!mPlayer.Ship.isDisabled()) && (mPlayer.Ship.getSShield() == 0)) //If ship is not disabled already and shilds are 0
else if ((mPlayer.Ship.getShieldStatus()) && (mPlayer.Ship.getSShield() != 0)) //If shields are enabled and are greater then 0
mDamage = damage / Random(5,7);
return mDamage;
for (i = 0; i <= sizeof(args)-1; i++)
if (target == args[i].getName())
if ((!args[i].Ship.isDisabled()) && (args[i].Ship.getSShield() == 0)) //If ship is not disabled already and shilds are 0
else if ((args[i].Ship.getShieldStatus()) && (args[i].Ship.getSShield() != 0)) //If shields are enabled and are greater then 0
mDamage = damage / Random(5,7);
return mDamage;
float Damage::dTEMP3(float damage, Player& mPlayer, Hostile args[], string target)
if (target == mPlayer.getName()) //Consider creating main class or matrix for all fighting entities/teams to make this easier
if ((!mPlayer.Ship.isDisabled()) && (mPlayer.Ship.getSShield() == 0)) //If ship is not disabled already and shilds are 0
else if ((mPlayer.Ship.getShieldStatus()) && (mPlayer.Ship.getSShield() != 0)) //If shields are enabled and are greater then 0
mDamage = damage / Random(2,4);
return mDamage;
for (i = 0; i <= sizeof(args)-1; i++)
if (target == args[i].getName())
if ((!args[i].Ship.isDisabled()) && (args[i].Ship.getSShield() == 0)) //If ship is not disabled already and shilds are 0
else if ((args[i].Ship.getShieldStatus()) && (args[i].Ship.getSShield() != 0)) //If shields are enabled and are greater then 0
mDamage = damage / Random(2,4);
return mDamage;
void Damage::bPAttack(bool allout, bool spread, bool wsystem, bool single)
vDamage = 0.0f;
mDamage = 0.0f;
fDamage = 0.0f;
if (allout)
fDamage = processWQueue(bAttacker);
//Check for secondary damage
if (getSDNTurns())
fDamage += processSecDamage(bAttacker);
sDNTurns -= 1;
if (getSDNANTurns())
fDamage += processSecDamage(bAttacker);
sDNANTurns -= 1;
else if (spread)
else if (wsystem)
else if (single)
float Damage::processWQueue(bAttacker& bAttacker,bTarget& bTarget)
for (i = 0; i < weaponQueue.size(); i++)
if (weaponQueue.at(i).getHPWType() == "laser")
wdtype = bAttacker.Ship->getLWDType(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()); //send slot of current laser weapon to ship for return of item name
dLow = bAttacker.Ship->lBanks.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRLow();
dHigh = bAttacker.Ship->lBanks.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRHigh();
else if (weaponQueue.at(i).getHPWType() == "missile")
wdtype = bAttacker.Ship->getMWDType(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()); //send slot of current missile weapon to ship for return of item name
dLow = bAttacker.Ship->mTurrets.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRLow();
dHigh = bAttacker.Ship->mTurrets.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRHigh();
else if (weaponQueue.at(i).getHPWType() == "bomb")
wdtype = bAttacker.Ship->getBWDType(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()); //send slot of current bomb weapon to ship for return of item name
dLow = bAttacker.Ship->bHolds.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRLow();
dHigh = bAttacker.Ship->bHolds.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRHigh();
else if (weaponQueue.at(i).getHPWType() == "rail")
wdtype = bAttacker.Ship->getRWDType(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()); //send slot of current rail gun weapon to ship for return of item name
dLow = bAttacker.Ship->rMounts.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRLow();
dHigh = bAttacker.Ship->rMounts.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRHigh();
else if (weaponQueue.at(i).getHPWType() == "heavy")
wdtype = bAttacker.Ship->getHWDType(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()); //send slot of current heavy weapon to ship for return of item name
dLow = bAttacker.Ship->hWBays.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRLow();
dHigh = bAttacker.Ship->hWBays.at(weaponQueue.at(i).getHPSlot()).hpWeapon.getWDRHigh();
if (wdtype != "null")
vDamage += Random(dLow, dHigh);
mDamage += processSDamage(bTarget,wdtype);
vDamage += Random(dLow, dHigh);
return vDamage;
float Damage::processSDamage(bTarget& bTarget, string wdtype)
if (wdtype == "napalm1")
if (sDamage > 0.0f)
sDamage += (0.50 * (vDamage * NP1P));
sDamage = vDamage * NP1P;
if (sDNTurns < NP1T)
sDNTurns = NP1T;
else if (wdtype == "napalm2")
if (sDamage > 0.0f)
sDamage += (0.50 * (vDamage * NP2P));
sDamage = vDamage * NP2P;
if (sDNTurns < NP2T)
sDNTurns = NP2T;
else if (wdtype == "napalm3")
if (sDamage > 0.0f)
sDamage += (0.50 * (vDamage * NP3P));
sDamage = vDamage * NP3P;
if (sDNTurns < NP3T)
sDNTurns = NP3T;
else if (wdtype == "nanite1")
if (nSDamage > 0.0f)
nSDamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN1P));
nSDamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN1P;
if (nADamage > 0.0f)
nADamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN1P));
nADamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN1P;
if (nHDamage > 0.0f)
nHDamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN1P));
nHDamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN1P;
if (sDNANTurns < NAN1T)
sDNANTurns = NAN1T;
else if (wdtype == "nanite2")
if (nSDamage > 0.0f)
nSDamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN2P));
nSDamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN2P;
if (nADamage > 0.0f)
nADamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN2P));
nADamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN2P;
if (nHDamage > 0.0f)
nHDamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN2P));
nHDamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN2P;
if (sDNANTurns < NAN2T)
sDNANTurns = NAN2T;
else if (wdtype == "nanite3")
if (nSDamage > 0.0f)
nSDamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN3P));
nSDamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN3P;
if (nADamage > 0.0f)
nADamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN3P));
nADamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN3P;
if (nHDamage > 0.0f)
nHDamage += (0.75 * (bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN3P));
nHDamage = bTarget.Ship->getSShield() * NAN3P;
if (sDNANTurns < NAN1T)
sDNANTurns = NAN3T;
float Damage::processSecDamage(bTarget& bTarget)
if (getSDNTurns())
tSDamage += sDamage;
if (getSDNANTurns())
//Direct damage
return tSDamage;
bool Damage::getSDNTurns()
return sDNTurns > 0;
bool Damage::getSDNANTurns()
return sDNANTurns > 0;
void Damage::setupWQueue(bAttacker& bAttacker, string atype)
cleanWQueue(); //Clear vector
if (atype == "allout")
for (i = 0; i < bAttacker.Ship->getWVSize(); i++)
else if (atype == "spread")
for (i = 0; i < bAttacker.Ship->getSSize(); i++)
else if (atype == "wsystem")
for (i = 0; i < bAttacker.Ship->getWVSize(); i++)
else if (atype == "single")
void Damage::cleanWQueue()
void Damage::setupBAT(Entity* entity1, Entity* entity2)
bAttacker bAttacker;
bTarget bTarget;
dmgProcessing(bAttacker, bTarget);
void bAttacker::getShip(Entity* entity)
Ship = entity->Ship.rShip(); //Create an easy to use interface to get the ship data
void bTarget::getShip(Entity* entity)
Ship = entity->Ship.rShip();
I finally gave up and just moved and combined bAttacker and bTarget into a new class called bEntity (battle entity) and referenced it twice to create two instances of bEntity for both the Target and Attacker identifiers.
Works fine that way, I suppose the problem was in that you cannot define multiple non-related classes and access them normally (you can do that but the main class has to have a reference or pointer to the other classes in the header).
Another reason might be because I forgot the constructors in the cpp file for bAttacker and bTarget but I like my new set up better anyway, much more compact.