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Zend Framework 2 - ZFCUser action whitelisting does not work for rerouting

I'm using this function for whitelisting a few actions from the ZFCUser login.

Everything works great unless I redirect to one of these whitelisted pages. For example I have the myFormAction which reroutes in case of an invalid form to itself or to a successAction.

The problem is now that after clicking the button in any of these cases I end up seeing the ZFCUser login. When I go to one of these pages via URL or link there the first time, it works.

Here is my code for the two cases in myFormAction:


return array('myVar' => $myVar);


return $this->redirect()->toRoute('myModule', array('action' => 'Success'));

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? Is maybe the rerouting not passing the onBootstrap function and ZFCUser blocks it somewhere else?


  • Ok, that was a stupid one!

    There was an error in my link url which wasn't shown because of the ZFCUser's redirecting!

    Logging in showed the real path and revealed the error...