I want to transfer a test file to mainframe, but the test file has lines exceeding 80 characters, which is default for FTP. Because the created dataset has record length 80, I am getting
451-File transfer failed. File contains records that are longer than the LRECL of the new file.
error. I tried this;
To solve this problem, I added -Q "site lrecl=250"
but this didn' t help.
Are you creating a dataset or are creating a Member in a PDS ???. The syntax DATASET_NAME(BBBBB) implies you could be creating a member in an existing PDS. The LRECL characteristics are defined in the PDS definition and can not be changed by the send command.
If it is an existing PDS, you will need to create a new dataset / PDS either through the send command or be creating a new dataset on the Mainframe with the correct characteristics and then doing the send.