Many (most? nearly all?) SQL dialects have a way to perform this type of function: date_add( MyDate, MyInterval )
I've been through all of the docs, but I cannot find this functionality in Ingres. My immediate goal is to get "MyDate plus 3 months". Does anyone know if there is a simple way to do this that I'm missing?
Note: I realize that it's possible to achieve this with existing SQL. But it will involve:
That's an awful lot of SQL for something that's so simple in Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server, and all the others I can think of. It makes me hopeful that I'm somehow missing a much simpler alternative.
I don't have a link to hand. Search your documentation for 'date arithmetic' and/or the 'interval' datatype.
Here's an example, which is not dissimilar to your english statement of what you want:
DATE('23-oct-09') + '3 months'