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how is this model spec working in the discource test suite

I am looking through the discourse source code here and see code like this:

require 'spec_helper'

describe Invite do

  it { should belong_to :user }
  it { should have_many :topic_invites }
  it { should belong_to :invited_by }
  it { should have_many :topics }
  it { should validate_presence_of :email }
  it { should validate_presence_of :invited_by_id }

I'm unfamiliar with where they are getting a value for it. It seems like they have an implicit object here but I don't see where they are creating it - should this be in a before hook?. They are using Fabricator instead of FactoryGirl - can somebody tell me how these are passing?


  • There is an implicit subject of Invite. This is an RSpec feature:

    The first argument to the outermost example group block is made available to each example as an implicit subject of that example.
