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Updating TextView with clock

I have been trying to create a program that will output a working digital clock that will allow me to quickly access the date and time. I have the code to parse the time, however, I'm having difficulty updating the textview. I have this:

    `public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    timer = (TextView)findViewById(;

    time = new Time();

    timeString = time.toString();
    changeTime = Parser(timeString);

    timeString = time.toString();
    changeTime = Parser(timeString);

    private String Parser(String time){

    String year = time.substring(0, 4);
    String month = time.substring(4,6);
    String day = time.substring(6, 8);
    String hour = time.substring(9,11);
    String minute = time.substring(11, 13);
    String second = time.substring(13, 15);

    String finalTime = hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second + " " + day + " " + month + " "  + year;
    //String finalTime = second;
    return finalTime;


How do I put this in a loop to constantly update the textview.

Thanks for any help you can give me.


  • Declare a Handler to update the TextView on the UI thread.

    private Handler mHandler = new Handler() {
     public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
        time = new Time();
        timeString = time.toString();
        changeTime = Parser(timeString); 

    Start a TimeTask that will update your TextView

    int initialDelay = 1000; //first update in miliseconds
    int period = 5000;      //nexts updates in miliseconds       
    Timer timer = new Timer();
    TimerTask task = new TimerTask() {
      public void run() {
          Message msg = new Message();
    timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, initialDelay, period);