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Redmine: check if the user has a specific privilege

Trying to write a plug-in for which I need to check if the user has a particular permission . For example I am thinking of something like this

if (user.current has "view_private_notes" ) 
do something


  • Check User model. There is near exact you want:

      # Return true if the user is allowed to do the specified action on a specific context
      # Action can be:
      # * a parameter-like Hash (eg. :controller => 'projects', :action => 'edit')
      # * a permission Symbol (eg. :edit_project)
      # Context can be:
      # * a project : returns true if user is allowed to do the specified action on this project
      # * an array of projects : returns true if user is allowed on every project
      # * nil with options[:global] set : check if user has at least one role allowed for this action,
      #   or falls back to Non Member / Anonymous permissions depending if the user is logged
      def allowed_to?(action, context, options={}, &block)

    You can extend existing models by your plugin and add methods you like combining existing:


     ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare do
      unless User.included_modules.include?(MyPlugin::UserPatch)
        User.send(:include, MyPlugin::UserPatch)

    //user_patch.rb Something like this:

     def self.included(base)
       base.class_eval do
       # need to pass context to be able trigger allowed_to method in old way.
         self.allowed_to?({:controller => context[:controller], :action => context[:action]}, project, :global => true)

    Actually it's easy to use existing methods.