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Creating programatically a category when Flat mode is enabled in Magento

I want to create programatically a category in my data folder of my module. The Flat categories option is enabled.

When a I try to create a category like so:

    ->setName('My category')

I get an error which says that catalog_category_flat doesn't exists. Ok, so I know that flat categories info is kept in catalog_category_flat_store_storenumber table. I looked in the database and I have the following tables:


and I want to create a category for store 6. Good, now if I do like this:

    ->setName('My category')

the category is created without errors, and it sets the info in catalog_category_flat_store_6 but if I go to admin>Manage Categories and cant't see my category created.

I think that when I create a category I should set te store id of the admin(0) so I can see it in the admin panel but then I get the error above, and if I create with store 6 I don't see it in the admin. I'm really stuck.

How can I properly create my category programatically without problems?


  • Create category dynamically:

    $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category');
    $cat['name'] = "Custom Category Name here";
    $cat['path'] = "1/2/30"; //parent relationship..
    $cat['description'] = "categorie's description";
    $cat['is_active'] = 1;
    $cat['is_anchor'] = 0; //for layered navigation
    $cat['page_layout'] = 'two_columns_left';
    $cat['url_key'] = "custom-category"; //url to access this category
    $cat['image'] = "custom-category.jpg";

    Then reindex catalog_category_flat dynamically:

    $process = Mage::getSingleton('index/indexer')->getProcessByCode('catalog_category_flat');