I'm having some issues getting a tree menu to work from bottom-up. I already have a script to work from top-down, which works fine.
This is a very simplified version of my table:
| uid | parent_id | page_address |
| 1 | 0 | index.php |
| 2 | 0 | login.php |
| 3 | 2 | dashboard.php |
| 4 | 3 | bookings.php |
| 5 | 3 | documents.php |
| 6 | 4 | changebookings.php |
| 7 | 4 | activities.php |
The page_address field is unique.
I can work out what page the user is currently on, for example changebookings.php
I would then like a menu to look like this:
However, the closest I've got so far is the following tree:
As you can see, my script currently only returns the actual parent, and not a list of links currently in the parent.
For those interested, the script I use in total is at the bottom of this post.
Is there any easier way to get the bottom-up tree as required? Many thanks
EDIT: I've finally got the code to work, for future users who stumble upon this post, I have added the functionality below:
$dataRows = $databaseQuery->fetchAll(); // Get all the tree menu records
$dataRows = $result->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
foreach($dataRows as $row)
if($row['link_address']==substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1, strlen($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])-1))
$startingId = $row['parent_id'];
$menuTree = $this->constructChildTree($dataRows, $startingId);
private function constructChildTree(array $rows, $parentId, $nesting = 0)
$menu = array();
if(!in_array($nesting, $this->nestingData))
$this->nestingData[] = $nesting;
foreach($rows as $row)
if($row['parent_id']==$parentId && $parentId!=0)
$menu[] = $row['link_address'];
$newParentId = $this->getNextParent($rows, $row['parent_id']);
$parentChildren = $this->constructChildTree($rows, $newParentId, ($nesting+1));
foreach($parentChildren as $menuItem)
$menu[] = 'NESTING' . $nesting . '::' . $menuItem;
return $menu;
private function getNextParent($rows, $parentId)
foreach($rows as $row)
return $row['parent_id'];
Without reading your code you should be doing:
1) Get current page, look at parent ID.
2) Load all with that parent ID.
3) Get next Parent ID using current Parent ID as ID.
4) If new parent ID != 0, goto step 2 passing in the new Parent ID.
Sounds like you just need to edit your script to include ALL pages with the given ID as their parent ID.