I want to check if the request from is browser then expose the video cdn link to jwplayer. I want to make hard video from download.
My routes code is
4 match "/assets/protect/:id.:format" => "streams#show"
My controller code is
1 class StreamsController < ApplicationController
2 def show
3 self.response.headers["Location"] = Video.find(params[:id]).video.url.safe # here is the condition if request is from browser
4 render nothing: true, layout: false
5 end
6 end
My JS code
2 jwplayer("video-player-container").setup({
3 file: "/assets/protect/<%= @video.id %>.flv",
4 wmode: 'transparent',
5 flashplayer: "/jwplayer/player.swf",
6 players: [{ type: "flash", src: "/jwplayer/player.swf" }, { type: "html5" }]
7 });
is this possible or any other alternate solution?
def show
send_data Video.find(params[:id]).video.url.safe_url, type: "video/mp4", :disposition=>'inline'
Try this!