I am trying to write a PHP client for a Thrift server written in C. I am following the tutorial given at http://chanian.com/2010/05/13/thrift-tutorial-a-php-client/.
I am very new to PHP and, I suspect, am missing some of the language fundamentals.
The code in question is:
// Setup the path to the thrift library folder
// Load up all the thrift stuff
require_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/Thrift.php';
require_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.php';
require_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/transport/TSocket.php';
require_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/transport/TBufferedTransport.php';
// Load the package that we autogenerated for this tutorial
require_once $GLOBALS['THRIFT_ROOT'].'/packages/encabulationgame/EncabulationGame.php';
// Several things might go wrong
try {
// Create a thrift connection (Boiler plate)
$socket = new TSocket('localhost', '65123'); <--error is here
I am getting an error "Class 'TSocket' not found in /var/www/foo/scores.php on line 22"
TSocket is defined in Thrift/transport/TSocket.php. The Thrift/transport/TSocket.php file (with comments removed) reads:
namespace Thrift\Transport;
use Thrift\Transport\TTransport;
use Thrift\Exception\TException;
use Thrift\Exception\TTransportException;
use Thrift\Factory\TStringFuncFactory;
* Sockets implementation of the TTransport interface.
* @package thrift.transport
class TSocket extends TTransport {
If I change my code to:
$socket = new Thrift\Transport\TSocket('localhost', '65123');
Then my code (well, this line, at least) no longer throws an error. I'm curious: what did the author of this tutorial do to get this code to work on his system that I'm not doing on my system?
Secondly, I attempted to solve the problem by adding the line:
use Thrift\Transport;
to my file before I create $socket, but that didn't solve the problem as I'd expected it to.
How do I convince PHP to resolve this type that's defined in another file? (There are several types in several files that I have to resolve.)
PHP does not import an entire namespace, instead you must "use" each namespaced class you wish to import. Instead of use Thrift\Transport;
use Thrift\Transport\TSocket;
This is described in more detail in the manual under Using Namespaces: Aliasing/Importing. Is it possible that the article was written before Thrift was namespaced?