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Jquery Template not aligning

I have a one html table .

<table id="blogPostContainer">

I was append some values in this table using signalR and tmpl .

$.connection.hub.start().done(function () {
                booking.server.getAllDates().done(function (data) {
                    for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                        DateTempl = DateTempl.concat(data[i].Dates);
                    var blogPosts = { Date: [DateTempl] }


And I am align table tr td formatting using by jquery taemplate

<script id="blogPostTemplate" type="text/x-jQuery-tmpl"> 

             {{each Date}} <td> ${$value} </td> {{/each}}


The first tr and td tag are working . But inside of the each loop td tag not working

Please see my result below enter image description here

First Td working but second td not working . I want my each date's want to inside of td tag. any one help me


  • Altough you haven't posted your DateTempl declaration but it seems it's an array. And with the [DateTempl] call you wrap it into another array in the following statement

    var blogPosts = { Date: [DateTempl] };

    So in the query template the ${$value} will display your whole array in one table cell.

    You just need to remove the [] and it should work fine:

    var blogPosts = { Date: DateTempl };