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How to pass a complex cursor record into a procedure?

Let say I have declared a cursor like this

CURSOR cur_customer IS
    SELECT c.customer_id,, o.order_date
    FROM customer c, order o
    WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id

    FOR rec_customer IN cur_Customer LOOP
        -- invoke procedure here with rec_customer as a parameter

For the case where the cursor is fetched from only one table, the parameter could be declared like this

rec_customer customer%ROWTYPE

But in this case, the cursor is fetched from 2 tables. So how do I declare the parameter for this case ? Is it possbile ?

Any suggestions ? Thanks


  • If this is all done within the PL/SQL program you don't need to declare anything. Use implicit cursors and let PL/SQL figure it out:

        tot_sal number(23,2) := 0;
         for r in ( select dept.dept_no
                           , emp.sal
                    from dept 
                         join emp (on emp.deptno = dept,deptno) )
             tot_sal := tot_sal + r.sal;
         end loop;

    I'm not recommending this as a good use of a CURSOR FOR loop, it's just as illustration of how little infrastructure is required to make things work.

    If you want more structure you can just reference the cursor using the %ROWTYPE keyword like this:

    CURSOR cur_customer IS
        SELECT c.customer_id,, o.order_date
        FROM customer c, order o
        WHERE c.customer_id = o.customer_id;
    rec_customer cur_customer%ROWTYPE;

    That is, you can use your cursor to define the record variable just like you can use a table.

    If you want to define a structure which can be shared between program units, especially packages, declare a RECORD type. Something like this:

    TYPE emp_rec IS RE(ORD 
         (emp_dept_name dept.dname%type
          , emp_name emp.ename%type
          , emp_sal emp.sql%type );

    You could use this to define various things, e.g. program unit parameters, wherever you would use a %ROWTYPE. Put such declarations in a package spec to share them across multiple packgaes.

    FUNCTION get_emp (p_id emp.empno%type) return emp_rec%rowtype;

    Find out more.