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Full screen background image in an activity

I see many applications that use a full-screen image as background. This is an example:

Full screen background image

I want to use this in a project, the best way I've found so far to do this is to use an image with a large size, put it in a ImageView and use android: adjustViewBounds="true" to adjust the margins

The problem is that if a screen with a very high resolution, the image falls short.

Another option I thought of is to use the image in a FrameLayout, with match_parent in width and height as background... this stretches the image, but I think the result is not very good.

How would you do it?


  • There are several ways you can do it.

    Option 1:

    Create different perfect images for different dpi and place them in related drawable folder. Then set


    Option 2:

    Add a single large image. Use FrameLayout. As a first child add an ImageView. Set the following in your ImageView.

    android:scaleType = "centerCrop"