I want to replace every anchor on HTML and have use this code but it seems there something missing:
foreach($html->find('div') as $dict) {
$dict->find('SPAN', 0)->find('A', 0)->href = "link.php?" . $dict->find('SPAN', 0)->find('A', 0)->innertext;
The HTML structure is like:
Text text text <A HREF="link1.php">LINK_A</a>,
text text <A HREF="link1.php">LINK_B</a>.
What I supposed to do with that code is to change all of the anchor on the html become:
Text text text <A HREF="link.php?LINK_A">LINK_A</a>,
text text <A HREF="link.php?LINK_B">LINK_B</a>.
But the code only works for the first anchor on each span, like:
Text text text <A HREF="link.php?LINK_A">LINK_A</a>,
text text <A HREF="link1.php">LINK_B</a>.
I tried to modify the code become:
foreach($html->find('div') as $dict) {
foreach($dict->find('SPAN', 0)->find('A', 0) as $anchor) {
$anchor->href = "link.php?" . $anchor->innertext;
But it get worst. How can I do that? Thanks.
You are declaring that you want to find the 1st span only here...
$dict->find('SPAN', 0)
// The 0 means the first one only I expect