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Error messages when trying to run byobu in solaris

I was able to successfully perform

'./configure --prefix=/my/path;make;make install'

on the byobu source code. I have also installed tmux-1.8. But when I try running




I get lot of errors saying find is not able to access files(it can't since i want to build byobu on a system locally without full access) The error message about which I want to ask is

install: null was not found anywhere!

This is the last message after a bunch of errors which are of the form find:[cannot read|stat() error |cycle detected] filename

(tmux 1.8 and byobu work perfectly well on my other desktop(for which i have full access)).

Do I need to build byobu again?Or make changes in the byobu scripts?


  • Solved it.

    byobu-tmux runs byobu-janitor --force

    inside that a command 'install' is used that is not present in solaris ,it is same as touch filename ;chmod xxx filename

    just replaced it and the error message goes away.still not able to run it errors