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How to add authbind to my Play Framework start script (generated with "play stage")?

I'm using authbind to allow my Play Framework app to bind to port 80 when run as a non-root user.

My target/start script needs to look like this for it to work:

#!/usr/bin/env sh

exec authbind --deep java $@ -cp "`dirname $0`/staged/*" play.core.server.NettyServer `dirname $0`/..

At the moment I'm manually modifying this generated file (urgh!). I can't find an elegant way to get play stage to automatically insert the authbind --deep before the java command.

This target/start script is launched from an Upstart script, and I have tried putting authbind --deep in there, but this doesn't seem to work.

Any ideas would be much appreciated.


  • Adjust your project/Build.scala file:

    lazy val main = play.Project(appName, appVersion, appDependencies).settings(
        playStage <<= (playStage, baseDirectory) map {(stageCommand, baseDir) =>
          val content = """#!/usr/bin/env sh
                          |exec authbind --deep java $@ -cp "`dirname $0`/staged/*" play.core.server.NettyServer `dirname $0`/..""".stripMargin
          IO.write(baseDir / "target" / "start", content)

    This overrides the play stage task and writes a custom start script file.