I have a small problem with wysihtml5 on my site. I want to allow only a few html tags and if I remove underline from parser rules and even underline command from wysihtml5 library, I can still press CTRL(command)+U to make selected text underlined. What should I do to get rid of this behaviour? Thanks for any advices.
New answer: Here is my updated solution. I updated the existing keydown event handler (and added a keyup handler for tracking ctrl pressed state) as follows:
// --------- Shortcut logic ---------
var ctrlDown = 0;
dom.observe(element, "keydown", function(event) {
var keyCode = event ? event.which : window.event.keyCode,
command = shortcuts[keyCode];
if (1 == event.ctrlKey) {
console.log('Ctrl key pressed. Setting ctrlDown = 1.');
ctrlDown = 1;
if (85 == keyCode && 1 == ctrlDown) {
console.log('Pressed "U" (keyCode 85), but Ctrl key still down. Don\'t fire!');
return event.preventDefault(), !1;
if (1 == ctrlDown && !event.altKey && command) {
console.log('Shortcut Ctrl + keyCode ' + keyCode + ' triggered.');
that.commands.exec(command), event.preventDefault();
dom.observe(element, "keyup", function(event) {
// note: "event.ctrlKey" doesn't work with keyup, use keyCode/which
if (17 == (event ? event.which : window.event.keyCode)) {
console.log('Ctrl key released. Setting ctrlDown = 0.');
ctrlDown = 0;
I sent you a pull request at github.
Original answer: All I needed to do, to disable the Ctrl+u keyboard shortcut, was to remove the keyCode for "u" (85) from the shortcuts object at line 8494 in wysihtml5-0.4.0pre.js
shortcuts = {
"66": "bold", // B
"73": "italic", // I
"85": "underline" // U
shortcuts = {
"66": "bold", // B
"73": "italic" // I
and you will no longer be able to use the Ctrl+u shortcut within the editor.
Alternatively, you could catch the keydown events and disable the Ctrl+u shortcut (ie. prevent default behaviour). Something like:
// --------- disable ctrl+u shortcut for underlining texts ---------
dom.observe(element, "keydown", function(event) {
if ((event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) && 'u' == String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase()) {
// do something