I created this:
(define-syntax (with-hash stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ obj:id ((~or key:id [new-key:id hash-key:id]) ...) body:expr ...+)
#'(let ([key (hash-ref obj 'key)] ...
[new-key (hash-ref obj 'hash-key)] ...)
(begin body ...))]))
So that I can do this:
(require rackunit)
(define h (hash 'id 1 'name "scott"))
(with-hash h (id [new-name name])
(check-equal? id 1)
(check-equal? new-name "scott"))
How can I add an alternative pattern that automatically binds all the hash keys locally without the client specifying them in the call?
(define h (hash 'id 1 'name "scott"))
(with-hash h
(check-equal? id 1)
(check-equal? name "scott"))
I suspect it involves renaming transformers, but am I able to declare syntax parameters and rename them dynamically, based on the runtime hash?
Also, I thought something like this might be on the right track:
(define-syntax (with-hash stx)
(syntax-parse stx
[(_ obj:id (key:id ...) body:expr ...+)
#'(let ([key (hash-ref obj 'key)] ...)
(begin body ...))]
[(_ obj:id body:expr ...+)
#'(with-hash obj (id title) body ...)]))
where I recall the macro and parse out the datums to be bound, but in that case, the id and title variables are not bound, even though the macro works otherwise.
Clearly I'm missing something in my understanding.
Any insights are appreciated.
You can't, really. Variable scoping is a static property, and a hash's keys are a dynamic property, so any solution is going to be wrong. But since you asked, there are two wrong solutions that are vaguely similar to what you're asking for.
One thing you could do is use eval
. But when you call eval
you will have lost any local variables; see the docs. You can probably work the code out yourself.
Another thing you could do is change the meaning of unbound variable references by shadowing #%top
, which is the syntax implicitly wrapped around variable references to unbound (or "bound by the top level environment, maybe") variables. But that means that with-hash
will fail to shadow any keys that already have a local or module-level binding. Here's what the code looks like, anyway:
(define-syntax (with-hash stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(with-hash h . body)
(with-syntax ([#%top (datum->syntax stx '#%top)])
#'(let-syntax ([#%top
(syntax-rules ()
[(#%top . x)
(hash-ref h 'x)])])
(begin . body)))]))