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List Generic GetEnumerator Cast To An Interface Fails

GetEnumerator cast to an Interface fails
No compiler error
Runtime failure with message index infinity
If I use the struct Word1252 directly with no interface it works

namespace WordEnumerable
    public partial class MainWindow : Window
        public MainWindow()
            WordEnum wordEnum = new WordEnum();
            foreach (iWord w in wordEnum)  // fails here
public interface iWord
    Int32 Key { get; }
    String Value { get; }
public class WordEnum : IEnumerable<iWord>
    private static List<Word1252> words1252 = new List<Word1252>();
    IEnumerator<iWord> IEnumerable<iWord>.GetEnumerator()
        return ((IEnumerable<iWord>)words1252).GetEnumerator();
    public struct Word1252 : iWord
        public UInt64 packed;
        public Int32 Key   { get { return (Int32)((packed >> 27) & ((1 << 25) - 1)); } }
        public Byte Length { get { return (Byte) ((packed >> 59) & ((1 <<  5) - 1)); } }
        public String Value { get { return Key.ToString(); } }
        public Word1252(UInt64 Packed) { packed = Packed; }


  • In short that's upcasting from IEnumerable<Word1252> to IEnumerable<IWord>,

    And that requires covariance to work.

    Even though IEnumerable is marked as out (covariant)
    Covariance doesn't work for 'value types' - i.e. the struct you have the interface defined.

    e.g. see...

    Is this a covariance bug in C# 4?
    (or a bit different but boils down to the same issue)
    Why cannot IEnumerable<struct> be cast as IEnumerable<object>?

    To resolve you can just define your list like

    private static List<iWord> words1252 = new List<iWord>();  

    Or define your enumerator like this:

    IEnumerator<iWord> IEnumerable<iWord>.GetEnumerator()
        foreach (var word in words1252)
            yield return word;