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Membus and Simple Injector - Wiring Command Handlers automatically by interface

I have seen the IoC feature in Membus that i have tried to hookup to Simple Injector

IEnumerable<object> IocAdapter.GetAllInstances(Type desiredType)
var found = SimpleInjectorContainer.GetAllInstances(desiredType);
return found;

The idea is that I will register automatically all my types with RegisterManyForOpenGeneric(typeof<CommandHandler<>),typeof<CommandHandler<>).Assembly).

No doubt for normally a good reason, SimpleInjector will not allow multiple registrations - however, I want to do this to put different aspects/concerns of command handling to be implemented by different handlers.

public void MembusBootstrap()
    this.Bus = BusSetup.StartWith<Conservative>()
    .Apply <IoCSupport>(c =>

public void SimpleInjectorBootstrap()

    // next line will throw

Certainly the IEnumerable<object> IocAdapter.GetAllInstances(Type desiredType) interface from membus expect a collection so multiple handlers can be called.

What would be the best way forward to marry Membus with SimpleInjector IoC?


I have seen other ways to wireup menbus by convention:

public interface YetAnotherHandler<in T> {
  void Handle(T msg);

public class CustomerHandling : YetAnotherHandler<CustomerCreated>

var b = BusSetup  
  .Apply<FlexibleSubscribeAdapter>(c => c.ByInterface(typeof(YetAnotherHandler<>))  

var d = bus.Subscribe(new CustomerHandling());  

But I would really like to stick with the IoC container to handle the lifetime scope, and to avoid instantiating command handlers and manually wiring them before they are required.


  • You can have multiple registrations. Here is an example (apologies but my PC died today and I am writing this in notepad):

        (serviceType, implTypes) => container.RegisterAll(serviceType, implTypes),

    and they can be retrieved with:

    public IEnumerable<CommandHandler<T>> GetHandlers<T>()
        where T : class
        return SimpleInjectorContainer.GetAllInstances<CommandHandler<T>>();

    you'll find these versions of the RegisterManyForOpenGeneric and GetAllInstances methods described here

    I use this technique to support a publish/subscribe framework. You can have n number of independent CommandHandler's