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How can I p/invoke a function with a parameter that can accept many different types?

Have a look:

public static extern StatusCode DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(
    ref IDisplayConfigInfo a

and now my structure that inherits from IDisplayConfigInfo:

var displayConfigTargetDeviceName = new DisplayConfigTargetDeviceName
    header = new DisplayConfigDeviceInfoHeader
        adapterId = targetModeInfo.adapterId,
        id =,
        size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(DisplayConfigTargetDeviceName)),
        type = DisplayConfigDeviceInfoType.GetTargetName,
var configTargetDeviceName = (IDisplayConfigInfo) displayConfigTargetDeviceName;
var retval = CCDWrapper.DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(ref configTargetDeviceName);

Now there is a problem. retval will be returned "InvalidParameter" value. Why is that? It is because I try to use interface, but I don't understand why.

When I explictly say that DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo() accepts DisplayConfigTargetDeviceName instead of interface, and pass displayconfigTargetDeviceName to it directly, then it works.

The thing is, I don't want to create 8-9 overloads, for each structure. Note that C++ version has only one overload. It will figure out the rest from pointer I passed.

// structs:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public struct DisplayConfigTargetDeviceName : IDisplayConfigInfo
    public DisplayConfigDeviceInfoHeader header;
    public DisplayConfigTargetDeviceNameFlags flags;
    public DisplayConfigVideoOutputTechnology outputTechnology;
    public ushort edidManufactureId;
    public ushort edidProductCodeId;
    public uint connectorInstance;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 64)] 
    public string monitorFriendlyDeviceName;
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, SizeConst = 128)] 
    public string monitorDevicePath;

public struct DisplayConfigDeviceInfoHeader
    public DisplayConfigDeviceInfoType type;
    public int size;
    public LUID adapterId;
    public uint id;

and IDisplayConfig interface is empty.


  • Thanks to David, I was able to come up with clever solution(imo), it seems to work nicely.

    private static extern StatusCode DisplayConfigSetDeviceInfo(IntPtr requestPacket);
    public static StatusCode DisplayConfigSetDeviceInfo<T>(ref T displayConfig) 
       where T : IDisplayConfigInfo
        return WrapStructureAndCall(ref displayConfig, DisplayConfigSetDeviceInfo);
    private static extern StatusCode DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo(IntPtr targetDeviceName);
    public static StatusCode DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo<T>(ref T displayConfig) 
      where T : IDisplayConfigInfo
        return WrapStructureAndCall(ref displayConfig, DisplayConfigGetDeviceInfo);
    public static StatusCode WrapStructureAndCall<T>(ref T displayConfig,
        Func<IntPtr, StatusCode> func) where T : IDisplayConfigInfo
        var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(displayConfig));
        Marshal.StructureToPtr(displayConfig, ptr, false);
        var retval = func(ptr);
        displayConfig = (T)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, displayConfig.GetType());
        return retval;