let list_to_string = (String.concat "") (List.map (String.make 1));;
This is wrong, but how do I make it understand that the argument is still to be supplied? The argument is expected to be of type char list
, I.e. the first function that needs to be applied to it is the (List.map (String.make 1))
, and then pass it to String.concat ""
. I think I've tried all combinations of parenthesis I could think of... no joy so far.
I also figured I could do it like this:
let ($) f g x = f (g x);;
let list_to_string = (String.concat "") $ (List.map (String.make 1));;
But just wanted to make sure there isn't a better way.
The real (and always perplexing) problem is that OCaml doesn't have a built-in function composition operator. So it's not so good out of the box for pointfree coding. If you really want to get fancy with it, you also need flip
, which inverts the order of the arguments of a two-argument function.
let flip f a b = f b a
At any rate, I don't see any problem with your solution once you've defined function composition as $
. You can leave out some of the parentheses:
# let lts = String.concat "" $ List.map (String.make 1);;
val lts : char list -> string = <fun>
As to efficiency, I assume this is more of a puzzle than a practical bit of code. Otherwise you should use the functions that Edwin suggests.