i was using google maps api v1 and i could draw the map to a canvas and save it and now im using google maps api v2 because i got my debug key before march 13th and just this weekend was ready to sign and couldnt because i didnt know it was going to be discontinued, so, the questions i have are:
1: is static maps api the correct way to do what i was doing in google maps
api v1 draw the mapView to a canvas and compress the bitmap.
2: if it is does 25000 free requests pertain to me the developer or
each individual user of the app that i am making?
thank you for your time....
My guess is you confused Google Maps API v2 (also depracated) with Google Maps Android API v2.
The new API is here: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/android/
The Android API v2 has no such limits.