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Code Golf: Playing Cubes

The challenge

The shortest code by character count, that will output playing bricks tower series according to user input.

The input will be a series of numbers (positive, negative and zero) that represents the height of the current cube tower following their index. A height of 0 means no tower and is spaced.

A cube tower is composed of stacked cubes. If the input number on the current index is positive, the cubes go up, if the input number is negative, the cubes go down. A single cube is drawn using the 4 following lines:

 /__ /|
|   | |

Cubes are 3D - this means they hide each other when two towers are placed next to each other, generating fake perspective.

All input can be assumed to be valid and without errors - Each number is separated with a white space on a single line, with at least one number.

Test cases

    2 -3 -2 1 2 -1
       __              __
     /__ /|          /__ /|
    |   | |        _|   | |
    |___|/|      /__|___|/|
    |   | |__  _|   |   | |__
    |___|/__ /__|___|___|/__ /|
        |   |   | |     |   | |
        |___|___|/|     |___|/
        |   |   | |
        |   | |

    1 2 3 4 -2 4 3 2 1
                   __      __ 
                 /__ /|  /__ /|
               _|   | | |   | |__
             /__|___|/| |___|/__ /|
           _|   |   | | |   |   | |__
         /__|___|___|/| |___|___|/__ /|
       _|   |   |   | | |   |   |   | |__
     /__|___|___|___|/| |___|___|___|/__ /|
    |   |   |   |   | |_|   |   |   |   | |
                    |   | |
                    |   | |

    1 3 3 7 0 -2 -2
                 /__ /|
                |   | |
                |   | | 
                |   | | 
           __  _|   | | 
         /__ /__|___|/| 
        |   |   |   | | 
       _|   |   |   | | 
    |   |   |   |   | |    __  __
    |___|___|___|___|/   /__ /__ /|
                        |   |   | |
                        |   |   | |

Code count includes input/output (i.e full program).


  • Perl 157 characters

    This entry was inspired by gnibbler's Ruby entry, including the part about embedding the cube in the code. Also thanks to Kinopiko for schooling me on the 4 arg version of substr.

    ,"/__ /|",
    "|   | |",
    "|___|/")[$_]}1..4}$W+=4}@ARGV;print grep/\S/,@O


    Line 1: Choose where cubes go
    Lines 2-5: Put cubes where cubes go, print