i am using ccavenue in my prestashop store Version
. My problem is after successful credit card transaction, when coming back to website, shopping cart items are not clearing and also orders are not updating. I am using CCavenue Payment Gateway developed by bluezeal.in. In merchant account settings I have given Return Page URL as http://myshop /modules/ccavenue/validation.php
where I am updating my order table. And in ccavenue.php page I have given my return url as $Url ='http://'.htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').__PS_BASE_URI__.'modules/ccavenue/validation.php'
. After successful transaction ccavenue is not returning anything to my validation.php page. Ie, AuthDesc
, Order_Id
This problem got solved after regenerating key in merchant account settings..