Is it possible to attach metadata to a Clojure gen-class?
I am trying to implement a server that uses a library that requires Java annotations added to classes.
From Chas Emerick's, et al., forthcoming book "Programming Clojure" (section 9.7.3), adding annotations to gen-class methods is easy, but there is no mention of adding class-level annotations.
Yes it is, I found a great example here:
Here's some code inlined so it doesn't disappear in the future:
(gen-class :name ^{Deprecated {}
SuppressWarnings ["Warning1"] ; discarded
java.lang.annotation.Target []}
:prefix "annot-"
:methods [[^{Deprecated {}
Override {}} ;discarded
foo [^{java.lang.annotation.Retention java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy/SOURCE
java.lang.annotation.Target [java.lang.annotation.ElementType/TYPE
String] void]])