I am trying to export a graph file with some visualization specifications . I could not figure out how to add multi-level attributes .
Import networkx as nx
#Create the Graph
g = nx.Graph()
g.add_edge('Andre', 'Beverly')
g.add_edge('Andre', 'Diane')
g.add_edge('Andre', 'Carol')
g.add_edge('Andre', 'Fernando')
g.add_edge('Beverly', 'Diane')
what I would like to do is to add position but using a specific attribute (names and structure)
# compute position
pos = nx.spring_layout(g)
# add attribute
g.node["Andre"]["viz"]["position"]["x"]= pos["Andre"][0]
g.node["Andre"]["viz"]["position"]["y"]= pos["Andre"][1]
I have in fact two questions :
For Info : What I am really after, is a way to export network graph into a gexf file which I could open with gexf-js without passing by gephi.
P.S: I have this question and other related to this, but to my knowledge they do not address what I am after.
After you calculate the positions in spring_layout()
for node in g.nodes():
g.node[node]["viz"] = {'position': {'x': pos[node][0],
'y': pos[node][1]
print g.nodes(data=True)
Results in:
{'viz': {'position': {'x': 0.00089466691490215525,
'y': 0.69872879243427066}}}),
{'viz': {'position': {'x': 0.55837798068966304, 'y': 0.47862178288009244}}}),
('Carol', {'viz': {'position': {'x': 1.0, 'y': 0.95632397309056527}}}),
('Diane', {'viz': {'position': {'x': 0.0, 'y': 0.25644757276893704}}}),
('Fernando', {'viz': {'position': {'x': 0.9957995595107102, 'y': 0.0}}})]
And then you can work on getting nx.write_gexf(g, 'somefile.gexf')
to work :-)