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Can I tell Inno Setup *not* to create unins000 files

I'm using Inno Setup to package a third-party installer with another EXE I built to prep our firm environment for the install. I'd really like to delete all the installer files from the end user's computer after I'm finished. I tried using deleteafterinstall on the temporary directory I create with Inno, but it doesn't work. Inno automatically creates unins000.exe and unins000.dat in the installation directory. So when it tries to delete the root directory, it finds that it it's not empty.

I don't need Inno's uninstaller, as the 3P app has its own. Can I tell Inno Setup not to create the unins000 files? Or can I tell it to delete the temporary directory even if it's not empty?


  • Use the Uninstallable directive to stop the creation of the uninstall files.


    I still can't get it to delete the temp directory it creates, though.