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Convert XML to HTML using jquery/javascript

I've some XML which i need to show in a div as text.
Can we convert this XML to format like below.

  <label>Have you invested before</label>
  <label>Are you looking to invest in the next 6 months</label>
  <label>What investments are you interested in</label>
  <value>Carbon Credits, Green Investments</value>
  <label>How much are you looking to invest</label>
  <value>£50,000 -  £100,000</value>

Output should be like as below:

Have you invested before : No
Are you looking to Invest in the next 6 months : Maybe
What Investments are you interested in : Carbon Credits,Green Investments
How much are you looking to invest : £50,000 - £100,000

Is this possible using Jquery/javascript.??

And it should be rendering like below HTML.

<div class="how-to">
<div class="how-text">
    <h3>Your Requirements</h3>
        <ul class="requirements">         
<li><label class="field-l">Have you invested before:</label> <span>No</span></li>         
<li><label class="field-l">Are you looking to Invest in the next 6 months:
</label>      <span>Maybe</span></li>         
<li><label class="field-l">What Investments are you interested in:</label> 
<span>Carbon  Credits,Green Investments</span></li>
 <li><label class="field-l">How much are you looking to invest:</label>
  <span>£50,000 -  £100,000</span></li>
      <li class="link-pad"><a href="index.html" class="requirements">
     Change  your requirements</a></li>
<div class="clear"></div>


  • Step 1: validate your xml

    Your xml is not valid. You can check if it's valid or not, for example, in an online validator. There are lots of them, this one I have linked is only an example.

    For this answer, let's suppose we have some xml as follows:

          <label>Have you invested before</label>
          <label>Are you looking to invest in the next 6 months</label>
          <label>What investments are you interested in</label>
          <value>Carbon Credits, Green Investments</value>
          <label>How much are you looking to invest</label>
          <value>£50,000 -  £100,000</value>

    Step2: get the xml, maybe through ajax

    I suppose this is obvious but I will include it here anyway.

        // this function is executed if the request was sucessfull
        // this function is executed if the request fails

    Step 3: parse the xml

    You can use jQuery's $.parseXML to parse it and convert the raw data into a XML document.

        // parse the xml
        data = $.parseXML(data);
        // do anything you want with the parsed data
        alert('something went wrong!');

    Step 4: play with the data

    Now we have a xml document to play with. The following snippet assumes we have a definition list, <dl> tag, in our HTML layout, and is supposed to be executed after the data is parsed, like in the previous step.

    // first we query the HTML document to get the list element
    // and store it for later use
    var list = $('dl');
    // data is a xml document now, so we query it...
      // and search for all <field> elements
      // now we can play with each <field>
      .each(function(index, element){
        // as example we query & store the field
        var field = $(element)
        // get the values we want
        var label = field.find('label').text()
        var value = field.find('value').text()
        // and append some html in the <dl> element we stored previously
          .append('<dt>'+label+': </dt>')


    jQuery is what you want to use. Its chainable nature makes transversing the DOM like cutting butter. I hope this answer to be useful for you.

    As an additional reference, see the full example on jsfiddle