I am running into a configuration problem with Rabbitmq and grails. I was wondering if anyone else had encountered this particular situation.
My rabbitmq configuration in config.groovy looks like this:
environments {
production {
rabbitmq {
connectionfactory {
username = '******'
password = '******'
hostname = 'ip-******.ec2.internal'
channelCacheSize = 25
prefetchCount = 10
concurrentConsumers = 3
retryPolicy {
maxAttempts = 10
queues = {
exchange name: 'plover', type: topic, durable: true, {
error durable: true, binding: 'error.#'
user durable: true, binding: 'user.#'
track durable: true, binding: 'track.#'
klout durable: true, binding: 'klout.#'
showuser durable: false, binding: 'showuser.#'
network durable: true, binding: 'network.#'
customer durable: true, binding: 'cusotmer.#'
recommend durable: true, binding: 'recommend.#'
pusher durable: true, binding:'pusher.#'
backfill durable: true, binding: 'backfill.#'
mail durable: true, binding: 'mail.#'
checkaction durable: true, binding: 'checkaction.#'
timertasks durable: true, binding: 'timertasks.#'
mission durable: true, binding: 'mission.#'
sentiment durable: true, binding: 'sentiment.#'
updateuser durable: false, binding: 'updateuser.#'
googlereader durable: true, binding: 'googlereader.#'
flickr durable: true, binding: 'flickr.#'
exchange name:'pubsub', type: fanout, durable: true
development {
rabbitmq {
connectionfactory {
username = 'guest'
password = 'guest'
hostname = 'localhost'
channelCacheSize = 25
prefetchCount = 10
concurrentConsumers = 3
retryPolicy {
maxAttempts = 10
queues = {
exchange name: 'plover', type: topic, durable: true, {
error durable: true, binding: 'error.#'
user durable: true, binding: 'user.#'
track durable: true, binding: 'track.#'
klout durable: true, binding: 'klout.#'
showuser durable: false, binding: 'showuser.#'
network durable: true, binding: 'network.#'
customer durable: true, binding: 'cusotmer.#'
recommend durable: true, binding: 'recommend.#'
pusher durable: true, binding:'pusher.#'
backfill durable: true, binding: 'backfill.#'
mail durable: true, binding: 'mail.#'
checkaction durable: true, binding: 'checkaction.#'
timertasks durable: true, binding: 'timertasks.#'
mission durable: true, binding: 'mission.#'
sentiment durable: true, binding: 'sentiment.#'
updateuser durable: false, binding: 'updateuser.#'
googlereader durable: true, binding: 'googlereader.#'
flickr durable: true, binding: 'flickr.#'
exchange name:'pubsub', type: fanout, durable: true
So all Rabbitmq configuration settings are done in the production/development environment as intended.
However, when I try to run on either production or local development, I get the following error:
2013-04-18 13:23:10,583 [pool-7-thread-1] ERROR RabbitmqGrailsPlugin - RabbitMQ connection factory settings (rabbitmq.connectionfactory.username, rabbitmq.connectionfactory.password and rabbitmq.connectionfactory.hostname) must be defined in Config.groovy
And I cannot see how my config setup is broken. Does the grails environments configuration not work as documented?
Turns out that the version of Groovy we are using has a bug in ConfigSlurper that prevents multiple Environments blocks. So if you believe that you may have multiple Environments { Production {} Development {} Test {} } expressions in your config.groovy then you will see rather odd behavior.
There is a Jira on this bug. I believe it will be fixed in Groovy 2.1 or if you wish to apply a patch provided here. I don't trust patches much so I rolled all the different Environments into one large expression (looks rather ugly) and it fixed the problem.