i'm beginner with GXT and i'm wondering if there is a way to parse a file and extract some informations without uploading it.
i created a formpanel that contains an uploadFile form but i don't know waht's next, how to get the complete path of the file so i can read/write with java io or how to retrieve the file or is there an alternatif solution, thank you.
Best Regards.
You can do it in some modern browsers using bleeding edge HTML5 apis for which you would need to use GWT JSNI code. There are no api's from GWT team as is.
FileReader includes four options for reading a file, asynchronously:
FileReader.readAsBinaryString(Blob|File) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data as a binary string.
FileReader.readAsText(Blob|File, opt_encoding) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data as a text string.
FileReader.readAsDataURL(Blob|File) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data encoded as a data URL.
FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer(Blob|File) - The result property will contain the file/blob's data as an ArrayBuffer object.
Example of GWT wrapper over these - https://github.com/bradrydzewski/gwt-filesystem
You can read about it more from here - How to retrieve file from GWT FileUpload component?