I have a cherryPy program that returns a page that has an image (plot) in a table. I would also like to have variables in the table that describe the plot. I am not using any templating just trying to keep it really simple. In the example below I have the variable numberofapplicants where I want it but it does not output the value of the variable in the table. I have not been able to find any examples of how to do this. Thanks for your help Vincent
return '''
<table width="400" border="1">
<td width="400" height="400"><img src="img/atest.png" width="400" height="400" /></td>
Assuming you're using Python 2.x, just use regular string formatting.
return '''
<table width="400" border="1">
<td width="400" height="400"><img src="img/atest.png" width="400" height="400" /></td>
''' % {"numberofapplicants": numberofapplicants}