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Update class from another class, encapsulation issue

How must I update a class, which must be updated only from another specific class?

In the following example encapsulation is broken, because Sensor can be updated from any other class, not only from Device. Am I right?

class Device
    public IEnumerable<Sensor> Sensors { get; private set; }

    void SomeInternalCall(int sensorId, int signal)
        Sensors.First(s => s.Id == sensorId).Update(signal);


class Sensor
    public int Id { get; private set; }

    public event Action<int> OnSignal;

    public void Update(int signal)
        if (OnSignal != null) OnSignal(signal);

class SensorUser
    public SensorUser(Sensor s)
        s.OnSignal += SignalHandler;

    void SignalHandler(int signal)
        // ...


  • You can create an interface that provides read-only access and give it to SensorUser, while having a collection of Sensor instances in Device.

    interface ISensor
        int Id { get;  }    
        event Action<int> OnSignal;
    class Sensor : ISensor
        public int Id { get; private set; }    
        public event Action<int> OnSignal;
        public void Update(int signal)
            if (OnSignal != null) OnSignal(signal);
    class SensorUser
        public SensorUser(ISensor s)
            s.OnSignal += SignalHandler;