I am using Phonegap 2.6 on iOS and when a link opens it uses the fullscreen with no way of going back to the app. Is there a way to trigger some sort of controls to go back to the app? The code I have is below:
function shareonfb()
photoid = sessionStorage.PhotoId;
filename = sessionStorage.PhotoFilename;
postUrl = "http://site.com/sharedimage.php?photoid="+photoid;
imageUrl = "http://site.com/images/"+filename;
var sSiteUrl="http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&u="+postUrl;
var ref = window.open(sSiteUrl, '_self', 'location=yes', 'presntationstyle=pagesheet');
Solved the issue by changing _self
to _blank
var ref = window.open(sSiteUrl, '_blank', 'location=yes');