I have a complex form with many selects whose state (enabled/disabled) depends on the value of some other controls, so it could happen that these selects are disabled when submitting the form (and the select value is not posted). I need to post the selected value even in the case the user is not allowed to change the select.
I saw some solutions here HTML form readonly SELECT tag/input (mainly the solution is to have an hidden field synchronized with the disabled select).
I am thinking to taking a slightly different approach: I want to use knockout (already used in the project) to display the select only when the data is editable, and display a readonly input (or a div/span) otherwise.
How can I use knockout to simplify this approach?
In my viewModel I define the property relative to the state of the select, the property bounded to the select value and a computed observable that "reads" the description of the selected option in the select:
AppViewModel: function () {
var self = this;
self.SelectVisible = ko.computed(function () {
return true; // return true or false depending on your context
}, self);
self.Category = ko.observable("");
self.CategoryText = ko.computed(function () {
return $("#Category option[value='" + self.Category() + "']").text();
}, self);
// other code ...
In the page I have a select always enabled and a readonly input whose visibility is mutually esclusive and depends on a viewModel property:
<select name="Category" id="Category" data-bind="value: Category, visible: SelectVisible">
<option value="S">Standard</option>
<option value="N">CatN</option>
<option value="C">CatC</option>
<input style="display: none;" type="text" readonly="readonly" data-bind="value: CategoryText, visible: !SelectVisible()"/>