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Ordering by some fields in a table without relationship

Hibernate 3.5 JPA 1.0

The annotation @OrderBy is used only for one to many or many to many relationship on the list-field. But I want it to use for the single table, that should be ordered by some fields in a table. It is possible? Or another solution?

for example:


I don't want to write hql for each table.


  • You can create interface for all common actions that you use on JPA entities. This interface must have two generics. I will give you example for 2 actions (persist and findAll) but all others (merge, delete, find, ...) can be implemented, too. For example:

        public interface JpaDaoBase {
           public void persist(E e);
           public List findAll(String orderProperty, OrderType orderType);

    E class should be JPA entity and K represents java type of property used for primary key (Long for example).

    And implementation of interface:

    public abstract class JpaDaoBaseImpl implements JpaDaoBase {
            protected Class entityClass;
            public JpaDaoBaseImpl() {
                this.entityClass = (Class) ((ParameterizedType) getClass()
            public void persist(E e) {
            public List findAll(String orderProperty, OrderType orderType) {
            return entityManager.createQuery(
             "select o from " + entityClass.getName() + " o orderby " 
                      orderProperty + + " " + orderType.toString(), entityClass)

    After that, for entity Example you crate implementation of DAO ExampleDao by extending JpaDaoBaseImpl and you will have this two methods implemented out of the box.

    This is a standard way to create DAO layer in JPA (Hiberante) projects. If you use Spring you can use Spring Data JPA project (they have several standard implementations of Dao layer classes).