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What is the best approach to make 3 column fixed width cross browser compatible, accessible, semantically correct layout?

What is the best approach to make 3 column fixed width cross browser compatible, accessible, semantically correct layout ?

<div id="wrapper">
        <div id="header">
            This is the Header
        <div id="top-nav">
            Top Navigation
        <div id="leftcolumn">
            Left Column
        <div id="content">
            content column
        <div id="rightcolumn">
            Right Column
        <div id="footer">
            This is the Footer

#wrapper {width:970px;margin:0 auto }
 #header {height:100px  }
 #top-nav {height:30px}
 #leftcolumn {  }
 #content {  }
 #rightcolumn {  }
 #footer {height:100px}

With this XHTML code what css should be written to make this 3 col layout.

  • cross browser compatible including IE6 (without CSS hack or extra conditional css for IE)
  • Width in Px
  • Centered
  • Font-sizing in em
  • Number of column can be extended or removed 1-4,5 etc
  • SEO Enabled


  • Um, this is pretty darn easy with floats and faux columns.

    Why do you have so many containers around the columns? You only need one. To clear the floats, do

    #container {
        width:960px; /* or 100%, or whatever. It needs to be set for it to work in IE tho */
        overflow:auto; /* hidden works too */
        background:url(./img/faux-columns.gif) repeat-y; /* google faux columns for A List Apart article */

    and for the columns themselves

    #col1 { width:520px; float:left; margin-right:20px; }
    #col2 { width:200px; float:left; margin-right:20px; }
    #col3 { width:200px; float:left; }