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How can I persist Facebook access tokens when using Flask and rauth?

When I perform a get_authorize_url request to facebook, I am redirected to the following URL (seen in the browser):

But I am unable to obtain this access_token in flask: it is not in request.args, it is not in request.query_string, it is not even there in request.url. Maybe flask is having trouble with the # character? How can I access that query parameter?

This is the relevant part of my code (derived from the rauth facebook-cli example):

# rauth OAuth 2.0 service wrapper
graph_url = ''
facebook = OAuth2Service(name='facebook',
                         access_token_url=graph_url + 'oauth/access_token',


def login():
    redirect_uri = url_for('authorized', _external=True)
    params = {'scope': 'read_stream',
              'response_type': 'token',
              'redirect_uri': redirect_uri}
    return redirect(facebook.get_authorize_url(**params))

def authorized():
    # I am not able to find the access_token
    print dir(request)
    print request.args
    print request.query_string
    print request.url



  • The part of URI marked by '#' is called fragment identifier. It is not transmitted to the server and can be processed on client side only, by JS, for example.