I have to move around 200000 (pdf
) files from one drive to external drive to free up my disk space.. When i started copying files its showing 18
hours remaining. If start copying all files of (around 350 GB
) at time will it cause any problem ? .....
when i copy 1 GB
data of single video file it's taking less time when i am trying to transfer same 1 GB
of multiple pdf
files ... What is the reason behind this one ? can any one help on this....
They have issues trying to make the UI responsive and calculate time to copy. but i have seen their estimates are always off. seems they over estimate how long it will take to copy to external drives and USBs. So don't worry about it and just copy!
When i have copied to a USB have noticed that it takes just 20% more time as it would take copying between drives.
If you want to copy faster use the command prompt.