I have an Infopath 2007 form with several views, meant to be used in a browser. I'm having trouble pre-populating a field in a repeating table, starting with a given value and then using a formula-derived default value.
On the Summary
view, I ask for a project's TotalCost
and the current fiscal year's projected spending (CurrentFYSpend
+------------------------------+ | Project Summary | +------------------------------+ | Total Cost: $100,000 | -- TotalCost | Current FY Spend: $ 25,000 | -- CurrentFYSpend +------------------------------+On the next (
) view, I have a repeating table FYSpending
where the user needs to break out the project's TotalCost
over an arbitrary number of fiscal years. The FYSpending
table has a YearlyCost
field which holds that year's estimated spending. Under the repeating table I have RunningTotal
and Remaining
fields. RunningTotal
has a Default Value of sum(YearlyCost)
; Remaining
has a Default Value of TotalCost - sum(YearlyCost)
; together they show the user how much of the total has already been accounted for, and how much they still need to break out into a Fiscal Year row.
When we first enter the Detail
view, the YearlyCost
field of the first row of the FYSpending
repeating table should be populated with the CurrentFYSpend
+--------------------------------+ | Project Detail | +--------------------------------+ | Total Cost: $100,000 | <- TotalCost | | | Fiscal Year Spending: | | +---------------------------+ | <- FYSpending repeating table | | FY | Yearly Cost | | +---------------------------+ | <- FYSpending repeating table | | 2009 | $ 25,000 | | <- YearlyCost[1], from Summary CurrentFYSpend | +---------------------------+ | | | Add Fiscal Year | | | +-----------------+ | | | | Running Total: $ 25,000 | | Remaining: $ 75,000 | <- TotalCost - sum(YearlyCost) +--------------------------------+
When the user adds a new Fiscal Year row, I want the default value of the new row's YearlyCost
field to be calculated as the remaining amount: YearlyCost[n] = TotalCost - sum(YearlyCost)
+--------------------------------+ | Project Detail | +--------------------------------+ | Total Cost: $100,000 | | | | Fiscal Year Spending: | | +---------------------------+ | | | FY | Yearly Cost | | | +---------------------------+ | | | 2009 | $ 25,000 | | | | 2010 | $ 50,000 | | -- YearlyCost[2], calc'd by rule on Add Row | +---------------------------+ | | | Add Fiscal Year | | | +-----------------+ | | | | Running Total: $ 75,000 | | Remaining: $ 25,000 | +--------------------------------+
I'm having trouble because the two prepopulating actions conflict with one another and appear to be creating a race condition. I tried to set a Rule on the Summary
's CurrentFYSpend
field to set the value of FYSpending
's YearlyCost
, then set a Default Value on the YearlyCost
field to set Value: TotalCost - sum(YearlyCost)
. When I save the form, I get the following error:
An error occurred in the form's code. The number of calls to the Changed event for a single update in the data exceeded the maximum limit.
(Thanks, InfoPath, for such specific error message! How much do I need to pay to get the name of the object that fired the event, or that you tried to update?)
Anyway, can anyone describe a technique for accomplishing this? In summary,
from the previous view's CurrentFYSpend
, and populate subsequently-added rows' YearlyCost
default value to TotalCost - sum(YearlyCost)
And another technique from Jimmy Riche at on the infopathdev.com forums:
has a rule that sets YearlyCost = .
has a Default Value of sum(YearlyCost)
, updated when the formula is recalc'd.
has a Default Value of TotalCost - RunningTotal
, updated when the formula is recalc'd.
Finally, the YearlyCost
field in the repeating table has a Default Value of
(Remaining) * (Remaining > 0)
, not updated when the formula is recalc'd. (neat trick, huh?)
This works nicely, although the formula for YearlyCost
is, um, non-obvious. But, I'm finding that a lot of XPath is like that -- you have to find non-obvious solutions to things that would be dead simple in an imperative language. Anyway, this works, so I'm implementing it.