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SecureSocial error after Play 2.0->2.1 migration

I get a tenacious error with SecureSocial after Play 2.0->2.1 migration.

I am using the following dependency:

"securesocial" % "securesocial_2.10" % "master-SNAPSHOT",

I launched play 2.1.1, entered clean, update and compile.

The following error occurs during compilation:

[error] /home/somebody/play/myproject/app/controllers/Application.scala:473: overloaded method value SecuredAction with alternatives:
[error]   (f: securesocial.core.SecuredRequest[play.api.mvc.AnyContent] => play.api.mvc.Result)play.api.mvc.Action[play.api.mvc.AnyContent] <and>
[error]   (ajaxCall: Boolean)(f: securesocial.core.SecuredRequest[play.api.mvc.AnyContent] => play.api.mvc.Result)play.api.mvc.Action[play.api.mvc.AnyContent] <and>
[error]   (authorize: securesocial.core.Authorization)(f: securesocial.core.SecuredRequest[play.api.mvc.AnyContent] => play.api.mvc.Result)play.api.mvc.Action[play.api.mvc.AnyContent] <and>
[error]   (ajaxCall: Boolean,authorize: securesocial.core.Authorization)(f: securesocial.core.SecuredRequest[play.api.mvc.AnyContent] => play.api.mvc.Result)play.api.mvc.Action[play.api.mvc.AnyContent] <and>
[error]   [A](ajaxCall: Boolean, authorize: Option[securesocial.core.Authorization], p: play.api.mvc.BodyParser[A])(f: securesocial.core.SecuredRequest[A] => play.api.mvc.Result)play.api.mvc.Action[A]
[error]  cannot be applied to ()
[error]   def shareKnowledge = SecuredAction() { implicit request =>
[error]                        ^


  • You'll have to remove the extra (). There is no method that takes an empty first parameter list.

    Try with this instead:

    def shareKnowledge = SecuredAction { implicit request =>

    They seem to have removed the default value for ajaxCall so there is no method signature with an empty first parameter list any more.

    Look at this commit change for details: