In R I was wondering if I could have a dictionary (in a sense like python) where I have a pair (i, j)
as the key with a corresponding integer value. I have not seen a clean or intuitive way to construct this in R. A visual of my dictionary would be:
(1, 2) --> 1
(1, 3) --> 3
(1, 4) --> 4
(1, 5) --> 3
EDIT: The line of code to insert these key value pairs is in a loop with counters i and j. For example suppose I have:
for(i in 1: 5)
for(j in 2: 4)
maps[i][j] = which.min(someVector)
How do I change maps[i][j]
to get the functionality I am looking for?
You can do this with a list of vectors.
maps <- lapply(vector('list',5), function(i) integer(0))
maps[[1]][2] <- 1
maps[[1]][3] <- 3
maps[[1]][4] <- 4
maps[[1]][5] <- 3
That said, there's probably a better way to do what you're trying to do, but you haven't given us enough background.