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Using SAS, is it possible to get a frequency table where no data exist?

This is a follow-up to my previous post on SO.

I am trying to produce a frequency table of demographics, including race, sex, and ethnicity. One table is a crosstab of race by sex for Hispanic participants in a study. However, there are no Hispanic participants thus far. So, the table will be all zeroes, but we still have to report it.

This can be done in R, but so far, I have found no solution for SAS. Example data is below.

data race;
input race  eth  sex   ;
1   2   1
1   2   1
1   2   2
2   2   1
2   2   2
2   2   1
3   2   2
3   2   2
3   2   1
4   2   2
4   2   1
4   2   2

data class;
    do race = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7;
        do eth = 1,2,3;
            do sex = 1,2;

proc format;

    value   frace   1 = "American Indian / AK Native"
                        2 = "Asian"
                        3 = "Black or African American"
                        4 = "Native Hawiian or Other PI"
                        5 = "White"
                        6 = "More than one race"
                        7 = "Unknown or not reported" ;

    value   feth            1 = "Hispanic or Latino"
                            2 = "Not Hispanic or Latino"
                            3 = "Unknown or Not reported" ;

    value   fsex        1 = "Male"
                        2 = "Female"  ;


*****  ethnicity by sex  ;

proc tabulate data = race missing classdata=class ;
class  race eth sex ;
table eth, sex / misstext = '0' printmiss;
format race frace. eth feth.  sex fsex. ;

*****  race by sex  ;

proc tabulate data = race missing classdata=class ;
class  race eth sex ;
table race, sex / misstext = '0' printmiss;
format race frace. eth feth.  sex fsex. ;

*****  race by sex, for Hispanic only  ;
*****  log indicates that a logical page with only missing values has been deleted ;
*****  Thanks SAS, you're a big help...  ;

proc tabulate data = race missing classdata=class ;
where eth = 1 ;
class  race eth sex ;
table race, sex / misstext = '0' printmiss;
format race frace. eth feth.  sex fsex. ;

I understand that the code really can't work because I'm selecting where eth is equal to 1 (there are no cases satisfying the condition...). Specifying the command to be run by eth doesn't work either.

Any guidance is greatly appreciated...


  • Looks like our good friends at Westat have worked with this issue. A description of there solution is shown here.

    The code is shown below for convenience, but please cite the original when referenced

    value ethnicf
    1 = 'Hispanic or Latino'
    2 = 'Not Hispanic or Latino'
    3 = 'Unknown (Individuals Not Reporting Ethnicity)';
    value racef
    1 = 'American Indian or Alaska Native'
    2 = 'Asian'
    3 = 'Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander'
    4 = 'Black or African American'
    5 = 'White'
    6 = 'More Than One Race'
    7 = 'Unknown or Not Reported';
    value gndrf
    1 = 'Male'
    2 = 'Female'
    3 = 'Unknown or Not Reported';
    DATA shelldata;
    format ethlbl ethnicf. racelbl racef. gender gndrf.;
        do ethcat = 1 to 2;
            do ethlbl = 1 to 3;
                do racelbl = 1 to 7;
                    do gender = 1 to 3;
    DATA test;
    input pt $ 1-3 ethlbl gender racelbl ;
    x1 2 1 5
    x2 2 1 5
    x3 2 1 5
    x4 2 1 5
    x5 2 1 5
    x6 2 2 2
    x7 2 2 2
    x8 2 2 5
    x9 2 2 4
    x10 2 2 4
    DATA enroll;
    set test;
    if ethlbl = 1 then ethcat = 1;
    else ethcat = 2;
    format ethlbl ethnicf. racelbl racef. gender gndrf.;
    label ethlbl = 'Ethnic Category'
    racelbl = 'Racial Categories'
    gender = 'Sex/Gender';
    /* PROC SQL step creates a macro variable whose */
    /* value will be the number of observations */
    /* meeting WHERE clause criteria. */
    PROC SQL noprint;
    select count(*)
    into :numobs
    from enroll
    where ethcat=1;
    /* PROC FORMAT step to display all numeric values as zero. */
    value allzero low-high='     0';
    /* Conditionally execute steps when no observations met criteria. */
    %if &numobs=0 %then 
            %let fmt = allzero.; /* Print all cell values as zeroes */
            %let str = ; /*No Cases in Subset - WHERE cannot be used */
            %let fmt = 8.0;
            %let str = where ethcat = 1;
    PROC TABULATE data=enroll classdata=shelldata missing format=&fmt;
    format racelbl racef. gender gndrf.;
    class racelbl gender;
    classlev racelbl gender;
    keyword n pctn all;
    tables (racelbl all='Racial Categories: Total of Hispanic or Latinos'),
    gender='Sex/Gender'*N=' ' all='Total'*n='' / printmiss misstext='0'
    box=[LABEL=' '];
    title1 font=arial color=darkblue h=1.5 'Inclusion Enrollment Report';
    title2 ' ';
    title3 font=arial color=darkblue h=1' PART B. HISPANIC ENROLLMENT REPORT:
    Number of Hispanic or Latinos Enrolled to Date (Cumulative)';