I have a local install and a live install. My live install is working except I changed one of the methods to be restricted via [Authorize(Roles = "Admin, Host")]
I want to remove this, but I need to do a build of the solution and move the .dll over for it to work (correct me if I'm wrong).
I cannot build the solution because my local install has changes to all of the files and will not build properly. All I want to do it update that one controller/page to allow access... is there any way of doing that?
What you need is branches (you are using Source Control, aren't you?)
Basically, what you do is have one branch where you do development, and another "stable" branch, where you only do small fixes to the code that is in production.
Once you deploy to production, you "merge" from the dev branch to the stable branch.
If you are not using Source Control, just have 2 copies of the code for now, and do the same kinds of things.
And learn to use Source Control, your life will change dramatically.